What seo techniques can I use on my website ?
1) Make your website user-friendly – When developing your website, make sure you create it with your visitors in mind. When you create a user-friendly page, it attracts people, which click through your site. Each click makes you money, so search engines would rank your site higher. To ensure search engine and user readability, use text instead of images because search engines cannot index images. If you plan to use images, make sure to give them descriptions.
2) Use keywords – As a website owner, imagine yourself as an ordinary person searching for a product or services. If your website sells Nike shoes, anticipate what words or phrases your target audience may use in search engines, such as Nike Air or Nike Xoom. Some PPC services like Yahoo! Search Marketing and Google AdWords provide free keyword suggestion tools to determine which words ordinary people worldwide use more often.
3) Keep good site navigation – Search engines like Yahoo and Google track the duration between the clicks of visitors and the time they stay on a particular website. If a visitor stays on your website long, the search engines would determine your site useful to the visitor and relevant to the keywords entered while searching, resulting in higher site ranking. Because of this, it is extremely important to create and maintain good site navigation to ensure a visitor maximizes his or her visit on your website. As long as you provide plenty of juicy information on your website and you provide clear links to other articles, then your visitor could stay longer than just the landing page.
4) Create relevant page titles and descriptions – Search engines don’t just assess your home page, it tracks down and crawls each of your website’s pages, so creating page titles and page descriptions that are relevant to the page’s content is important in adding traffic to your site. Plus, this makes it easy for users to have an idea of the contents of your page.
5) Post optimized content regularly – Nothing beats quality and well-optimized content in adding traffic to a website. Focus on a few keyword or phrases and use them in every article you add, but never overdo placing keywords as this may discourage both the visitors and the search engines and deem your site to be keyword stuffing. As long as you create user-friend and search engine friendly content regularly, traffic would come naturally.
What keyword density should I use ?
Determining keyword density starts by getting a complete word count for a particular page; you can use the MS Word or any word count tools available on the net. Once you’ve determined the number of words on a page, list down how many times your keyword appears on the page. If you have the two figures listed down, you can divide the number of keywords by the total number of words, which gives you the percentage of a keyword density.
For instance, if you have a 1000-word page and your keyword appears 20 times within that page, you would take 20 divided by 1000 to get .02 or 2 percent. Generally, webmasters or bloggers aim for a 3 to 5 percent keyword density. As long as you stay within this range, search engines would continue to index your web pages without the possibility of being penalized for keyword stuffing.
When writing text for your pages, you can also determine the number of keywords needed to reach your target density. If you’re aiming to write a 500-word article, take 500 and multiply it by .03, .04 or .05, depending on the density you want. This would give you 15 keywords (for a 3% density), 20 keywords (for a 4% density) or 25 keywords (for a 5% density).
Tools are also available to do this computation for you; you can download a program or bookmark a website that offers keyword density computation.
How do I get satellite internet service ?
The first step is to find the dual coaxial cable, which is usually connected on the feed horn of the dish. Once you found them, run the cables down to your house where the computer is located. To set up your modem for your satellite connection, check if it’s a card that should be installed in the CPU or if a stand-alone unit. If it uses a card, you have to install it in your computer first before continuing.
After setting up the modem, you can plug the coaxial cables into the available ports in the modem. The two cables should be plugged into the “sat in” and “sat out” slot. Generally, the cables have markings, so make sure to plug the cables on the right slots. However, if the cables are not named, you need to access the dish and check which ones come from which connections on the dish’s feed horn. Once you know which cables go in which modem slot, connect them by pushing straight into the ports securely.
If you have an external modem, snap one of the Ethernet cable’s end into the port at the back of the modem, then plug the other end into your CPU’s Ethernet port. However, if your modem is internal, you can skip this part and go straight to plugging the power cord into the modem and the other end into the surge suppressor. After all cables are in the right place, you can now install any available software on your computer and check if the satellite internet is working.
How do I choose a web designer ?
Some people work on their own web designs, but for those who have no time or skill to make an appealing design on their own, web designers could save you from all the stress. Once you determined what you want for your website, a web designer would try to express your ideas into the design. As such, it is important that you know exactly what you want the design to end up and explain it properly, else the design would not convey your plans.
Web designers are highly skilled in art background and design. Their functions are completely different from a web developer, which handles the programming side of a website. While there are plenty of people that are skilled in both, hiring a web designer to create your site’s design and complete the technical side of the site would mean that you have to pay for both these services. On the other hand, majority of web designers may focus on their job and create amazing web designs, but may not be able to produce a solid database backend for the site.
Choose a web designer with a portfolio that he or she can show you, allowing you to give an idea of the designer’s skills in web design. Once you deem his artistic eye is suitable for your ideas, supply him or her with the graphics, text and other content necessary for the design. Although most web designers have strong artistic skills, it is not part of their jobs to create texts, product images, page descriptions and other content needed for the website. Web designers are trained in proper positioning of such content, but you need to supply them with the materials.
Make sure to hire someone who you can easily communicate with. Regardless of skill and experience, communication between you and the web designer would largely affect the result of your web design.
What is a galaxy ?
A galaxy is a group of stars, dark matter, nebulae and other astronomical objects. Most of them contain billions of stars and are tens of thousands of light years in diameter.
Galaxies are divided according to its shapes - elliptical galaxies (uniform), spiral galaxies (mostly thin disks with spiral arms) and irregular galaxies (with no definite structure).
Spiral galaxy centers around a focal point, which is generally spherical and bulges externally from the disks. The gravitational center of a galaxy is the hub, which is characterized by a massive black hole. Spiral arms surround the hub, which are grouped-up waves of gases and stars orbiting the center.
An elliptical galaxy has a large hub on the center but without the arms similar to the spiral galaxy. These galaxies feature yellowish to reddish stars. Irregular galaxies mostly have no distinct structure, but they often have distorted elliptical or spiral shape.
There are approximately a hundred billion galaxies in the universe. Most of these galaxies occur in huge agglomeration called “galaxy superclusters”. With the study of the spiral galaxies’ rotation, astronomers have discovered that most of the universal matter is not made up of gas or stars. Instead, it is made up of a dark matter, an invisible matter that still exerts gravity.
How should I bid in online auctions ?
The first thing you need to do is register on auction websites like eBay.com and provide the necessary information like name, e-mail address, credit card number and other important details. Auction websites would also ask you to submit a username and password, which you will be using for all transactions.
Once you’re registered, you can now start looking for the things you like to bid on. If you’ve been looking for a second-hand KitchenAid mixer, go to the categories and browse the items under Home and Garden or just make a quick search. If you see an item under your budget, enter a bid amount, which you’re willing to pay if ever you won the auction. You will be asked to confirm your bid; so as long as you don’t click the “submit bid” button, your bid will not count.
Auction sites usually send an e-mail whenever you’ve been outbid, updates if you’re still the highest bidder and if you won the auction. You automatically win an auction if no one places a higher bid than the amount you placed. Make sure to check your e-mail regularly if you’re aiming to win the item. If an e-mail states that another person has outbid you, you have the option to place another bid with a higher amount.
If you won the item, you should contact the seller for payment and shipping details. Some auction sites allow buyers to pay through their respective payment gateways, while others have trusted third party that would accomplish payment. The usual payment methods accepted include money order, personal check, credit cards and PayPal.
How can I protect my eyes while watching a solar eclipse ?
Regardless of age, a solar eclipse is an event worth waiting for, especially if you are very much fortunate to witness a total eclipse. However, direct eye contact with an eclipse may be dangerous for your eyes because the sunlight causes retinal damage. There are numerous ways to enjoy an eclipse without compromising your sight, ranging from using indirect observation with a pinhole camera to wearing glasses specifically made to protect your eyes while witnessing an eclipse.
Most of us are aware that looking directly at the sun can cause damage to our retina, and if you look at the sun long enough, this damage may lead to blindness. In an annular or partial eclipse, the sunlight is still dangerous enough to cause damage in our retina, but in a total eclipse, you can directly look at the sun but as soon as the eclipse makes even a little movement, it becomes a hazard.
You will need special glasses if you want to look directly at an eclipse. Eclipse glasses filter more of the sun’s ray than any regular sunglass. These glasses allow you to stare at the sun for several minutes. You can also use welding glasses to look directly at the sun during an eclipse. There are science stores where you can purchase eclipse glasses.
Another way to watch an eclipse is through a mirror. Cover most of the mirror’s surface, leave about an inch, and angle it in the eclipse projecting into a flat surface. This way, you will be watching the eclipse in projection. Remember to be cautious when using this process; you might accidentally flash the reflection of the eclipse in someone else’s eyes.
Lastly, you can watch an eclipse using a pinhole camera. You can create your pinhole camera by cutting a small hole in a piece of cardboard. Then, face the sun backward and hold your paper with hole over a clear sheet of white paper. Make some adjustments and you will see the sun’s image. You can move the top sheet to change the focus until you get a clear image of the sun.
What caused the evolution of primates to modern man ?
Approximately seven million years ago, the African apes or the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees came into being. Sahelanthropus tchadensis or the African ape diverges from the rest of the great apes, including gorillas and orangutans. They all display different forms of communication and culture not only on their own tribe. They also show empathy and suggest theory of mind. Sahelanthropus tchadensis is the oldest hominin ancestor considered related to modern human.
Around three to five million years ago, ancestors of humans evolved from chimpanzees with the species called Australopithecus afarensis. The exact timeline is a little sketchy due to the little fossil evidence of chimpanzees. It is known that they live in rainforest environment where bones are not well preserved. Our ancestors moved and began to colonize plains about three million years ago. This migration triggered adaptation such as bipedalism. The first human to walk upright are the Australopithecus.
Homo habilis are the first genus homo member who uses tools; they lived about two to three million years ago. Using a one-sided stone as a tool in almost everything, lessen the load of their teeth that made the molars shrunk. Then, the game became scarcer and the spear throwing was developed. Some homo members are forced to migrate out of Africa about two million years ago.
One of the reasons that triggered human evolution was violence and sexual selection. If a band of early humans assaulted another band, killing all males and mating with all the females, their genes carries on to the next generation. It is vital not to have an idealistic view about the evolution of man, as it is not the way things actually work. The way we eat became less specialized as well, as we adapted to make full use of both gathering and hunting to get nutrients. 250,000 years ago, Homo sapiens appeared, capable of making advance tools and axes, allowing them to survive different kinds of environments and were able to scatter across the globe.
How do I choose a good url ?
The secret of choosing a sellable URL is putting what your site is all about in two or more words. If you’re selling designer watches, then a designerwatches4sale.com is a suitable URL. Whether your purpose is for business or personal, this rule can help your visitors get an idea of what they’ll be seeing on your page. However, you can also make up a brand, such as Questia.com, but promoting such a website would take time, as you need to explain to your target audience what the website is all about.
Organizations usually consider the suffix .org. Educational institutions and other related organizations can use .edu, while businesses often prefer .biz. However, many people use .com regardless of whether the site is about education, business or organization because it is the most popular suffix and people typically type in random .coms when surfing the web.
When you’ve decided on the name and the suffix, you have a URL for your website. However, this doesn’t mean you could already register the URL as your own. Check if no one else has taken the URL by typing it into the address bar on your browser or checking in a web-hosting provider. If it’s available and you’re absolutely sure about the brand or URL you like, then go ahead and register it to keep it from being used by someone else.
What are microbial insecticides ?
Microbial insecticides are a new type of pesticide that works by infecting insects with viruses, fungi, bacteria or amoeba. Although the safety of using microbial insecticides has been widely debated, some believing it to be a dangerous practice. The application of microbial insecticides is actually safer than other pesticides as each type of microbial insecticide only kills one particular species. As a result, it does not affect animal population, except interrupting the food chain by killing a certain insect in one area.
Bacterial microbial insecticides are used in different types of insects; one type is used in controlling crop-eating caterpillars, while another can be used in killing mosquito populations. Viral microbial insecticides usually work by initially making insects sick, then killing the particular insect species. The levels of results depend largely on the virus used. Amoebic insecticides typically do not kill insects, but forces them to reach sexual maturity or shorten their lifespan. Fungal microbial insecticides are usually used for cockroaches to spread a disease throughout its population.
Since microbial insecticides aim in killing a particular species, it is not effective in dealing with infestations involving several types of insects. Also, the effect of microbial insecticides are affected by outdoor elements like sun exposure, rains or snow. As such, spraying microbial insecticides before a heavy rain may reduce the effects and may not kill all insects in a given species.
Some environmentalists are concerned about the safety of using microbial insecticides. However, many of them prefer to use these kinds of insecticides, so that people can get rid of dangerous insects, while keeping beneficial insects existing in the environment.
How long will the universe last ?
The most accepted guess of modern cosmetologists regarding the earth’s existence is that it would last for a very long time, along the lines of a googolplex (1 followed by thousands of zeroes) years. Since people are afraid that the end of the universe means the end of human existence, this question has long been asked.
Since it is widely known that the universe continues to expand, current signs suggest that not only is the universe expands continuously, it is happening at a faster rate. Many experts report that the dark energy or the universe-wide pressure causes this occurrence.
The question of the universe’s lifespan is related to the overall geometry of the universe as it measures the overall density of the universe. If the density of the universe is more than omega, the universe is considered “close” with a spatial geometry. If the density of the universe is equal to omega, it is considered “flat” and the rate of expansion would slow down and approach zero in time. If the density of the universe is less than omega, it is considered “open” and the universe would expand indefinitely regardless of a presence of dark energy.
The current state of the universe is flat. Studies show that the universe would expand even with just enough dark energy. If the expansion continues for an indefinite period, stars, atoms, galaxies, local clusters and galactic super clusters would rip apart.
How do you make a sucessfull website ?
The first thing you should do is set-up your account. If you don’t have money to spend to get your own domain name and hosting provider, don’t worry; Wordpress, Blogger and Live Journal (among others) are available for free. Once you’ve set-up your free account, it’s time to get serious.
Make sure to pick out something specific, how to create art, dog tips from a dog trainer, latest mp3 players and other topics you are passionate about. Something too general, like “health” can be broken up to ‘weight loss guide’, ‘new medicine breakthroughs’ and other specific niches. Once you’ve decided your blog’s theme, choose five words or phrases that would describe your entire blog. For instance, if you’re blogging about weight loss, choose “weight loss”, “diet”, “weight loss tips”, “exercise” and “healthy eating” as your main tags or keywords. From these words, a visitor of your blog can easily tell that you’re giving out information on weight loss.
Unless you wanted to keep your blog a private diary, use tags for search engines to direct visitors to your blog. Use each of your main tags in every blog post you create. This is an easy way of driving traffic to your blog without spending a cent.
Continue to write content. You could spend 5 minutes per day creating a single post for your blog. This is important because not only do search engines display current posts first, it also allows your visitors to come back for more. Both the search engines and your targeted audience don’t like to visit dead blogs, so write often.
After making it a routine to write posts daily, make sure to get some traffic to your blog by building links. Generally, the more links to other blogs and websites you have on your blog, the higher traffic you would receive. The great thing about blogging is people help each other out when it comes to links, so if another blogger finds your website relevant, he or she can post a link back on your blog. Another way of increasing traffic is to promote your blog. Do what other bloggers do; check other blogs, comment and leave a link back to your blog. Include your blog’s link wherever you go, may it be in forums, chats and social networking.
Once your blog is on the right track, you can ad advertisements and affiliates to monetize your blog.
Which animals are smartest ?
Intelligence is defined as the ability of achieving complex goals within complex environments. Just like humans, some animals are more intelligent than others are. Octopuses have been called the most intelligent among invertebrates, while the intelligence of pigs and squirrels has also been studied. Below is a list of the smartest animals alive today:
1) Chimps – Chimpanzees have always been cited for their intelligence. Chimps make and use tools in acquiring foods. Studies have also shown that chimps have very sophisticated hunting methods that involve rank, influence and cooperation. Although they can be deceptive and manipulative, chimps can easily learn symbols, numbers and the human language. In fact, some chimpanzees have even outperformed college students in remembering numbers.
2) Great Apes (gorillas and orangutans) – Great apes have learned the basics of the American Sign language and even taught it to one another. They also performed basic computer functions that involved problems with colored shapes.
3) Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) – In the water, whales and dolphins reign as the smartest animals above any other aquatic animals. They can create mental images and communicate with fellow dolphins or whales, even at great distances using “songs”.
4) Elephants – Elephants have great memories and are capable of communicating over great distances. Like humans, elephants have death rituals and even grieve over their dead family members or companions.
5) Parrots – The only non-mammal animal considered as one of the smartest animals alive are parrots. They are capable of producing short comments and initiating conversations. A popular parrot named N’kisi has even learned 971 words and does not simply repeat what humans say, but also uses the word “know” five times in proper context.
6) Cats and dogs – The human’s favorite pet, cats and dogs, can understand a human’s emotions through tone of voice and facial expression. They can easily be trained to perform both simple and complex tasks such as potty training.
Studies are being conducted every year to learn animal intelligence and include more animals into this list.
How can I prevent identity theft ?
The first thing you should do is prevent anyone from stealing your personal information. To do this, you have to make it extremely hard for thieves to access your information. The most common method malicious people do in stealing personal information is collecting read mails on your garbage. As such, make sure you shred all financial documents, receipts and other letters with your personal information before throwing it out. Even credit card offers should be shredded as these letters contain your credit card numbers, address and other personal information. You can choose not to receive these letters by calling your credit card company.
Another way identity thieves get hold of your personal information is through your SSS (Social Security Number). Make sure to give your SSS only when necessary and you know why that person is asking for it.
These days, identity theft can occur by simply giving your e-mail address to someone else. Some thieves use malicious e-mails to trick you into providing your personal information. Be aware that most financial institutions like banks, mortgage companies and credit card companies still use the traditional snail mail and would never ask for your password online.
To check if malicious people have used your personal information, make sure to get a credit report once a year. This report would list down all accounts you have opened and whether these accounts are in good or bad standing. Credit reports are available by Equifax, TransUnion and Experian, which you can obtain once a year without charge. In addition, check your credit card statements regularly to see if there are purchases listed that you did not make.
If you see any error on your credit card statements, check with your credit card company. If you’re sure you’ve been a victim of identity theft, file a police report and call Equifax, TransUnion and Experian for them to place a “fraud alert”, preventing anyone to open accounts or use your existing credit cards.
What is a plasma tv ?
A plasma TV is an alternative to the regular cathode ray televisions sold today, it is a high definition or commonly known as HDTV. Plasma TV gives vibrant color and sharp image, especially with high definition broadcast. Unlike the box-like 4:3 ratio of a regular TV, plasma TV is designed with 16:9 ration for wide screen formats. However, plasma TV is a little expensive, starting at 2,000 dollars up to 15,000 dollars or more.
The main selling point of a plasma TV is the flat screen design. This allows the TV to mount directly into the wall and does not require a lot of clearance. Investors can also add surround-sound speakers for luxury. Plasma TV has become a status symbol among wealthy consumers and other technophiles.
The technology behind plasma television is very complicated. Plasma is the scientific term that refers to gas like xenon or neon that glows when exposed to electrical field. Try to imagine a fluorescent light bulb or a neon sign to understand plasma for it applies here.
The main disadvantage of a plasma TV is its vulnerability to damage. If struck with a hard object, numerous gas-filled tubes instantly lose their ability to glow. It might cost a lot to have it replaced if it is still repairable. Consumers should always consider extended warranties and insurance, since the most common repair is replacement of the entire screen. Plasma TV has limited shelf life for the gas become less reactive to electrical field and loses its glow. It could take about several years for the changes to be noticeable.
What is an MP3 Player ?
An MP3 is a compressed digital audio file using a standard defined by the Motion Picture Expert Group or MPEG. Known as MPEG-1, Layer 3, MP3s uses as little as 10% of the regular storage needed by the CD format, and the device use to play these files are called MP3 player.
MP3 player comes in different capacities and sizes. The smallest player uses flash type memory, not like the conventional memory found in desktop computers. Flash memory keeps stored files even when turned off. It is very compressed and needs very little power to function allowing long battery life.
The disadvantage of flash-based players is that they have limited storage. Hard disk-based MP3 were developed for larger storage needs. This can store up to thousands of songs but compromises the compactness of flash memory MP3 players.
Though Apple did not come up with the idea, their iPod popularized the device, and with the rising popularity of MP3 players, manufacturers create non-portable players for home. The major advantage of MP3 players is that not just one device can be used to access your MP3 files and you can store all the music in one place, and different MP3 players at home can treat the connection like a library with unlimited copies.
How can I advertise my website ?
2) Create Videos or Podcasts – The internet today offers a wide range of platforms for content. If you don’t feel like writing articles can provide you with new visitors, use videos or podcasts to attract them. Popular websites such as Youtube.com, Metacafe.com and Google Videos offer anyone a chance to upload videos to promote anything under the sun.
3) Social networking – If you want people to notice your say, go to where people spend most of their online time – social networking sites like Myspace.com, Facebook.com, Tagged.com and many more. These websites allow you to set-up a profile and add your website’s link on your comments, offering a free option of advertising.
4) Exchange deals – Some website owners allow an exchange deal when it comes to advertising. If they need your product or services, they can give you a chance to put up an advertisement on their website for a limited time. If the website is a popular one, the chance of attracting a number of visitors to your site would dramatically increase.
All of these methods require you to leave a link of your website, so visitors could click through them and land on your page. While these methods require time to complete, as long as you offer enticing content (may it be articles, videos, teasers on comments and sellable products), you can’t go wrong advertising your website.
What are walkie talkies ?
Walkie-talkie is a communication device that consists of low-level radio receivers and transmitters. It was originally developed for military communication during the World War II. Moreover, in the 1970s, the walkie-talkie became popular with the CB radio craze. Children were the biggest customers of walkie-talkie toy model. Many adults prefer 40 channel walkie-talkie or CB radios for two-way communication.
Early walkie-talkie works on the same radio frequency assigned to Citizen’s Band radios. Channel 14 was the most common channel used. This means that the conversation can be heard by anyone under the same channel. Federal Communication Commission does not require license for low-powered walkie-talkie due to their range limitations.
The device previously known as walkie-talkie have now enjoyed a revival popularity, even if most manufacturers call it two-way radio. These communication devices no longer use the old CB frequencies that can easily be intercepted. Modern walkie-talkies use the FRS or Family Radio System bandwidth that has 14 channels issue by the FCC, which give more security for conversations.
Modern two-way radios range as far as two miles. If a walkie-talkie ranges more than five miles, the Federal Communication Commission must license it. Adventurous users may buy two-way radio with additional features such as GPS, compass, hands-free voice command and weather channel tuner.
What is wireless internet access ?
When installed at home, a desktop system with wireless internet access can broadcast Internet connectivity within the immediate area, so any house member with a computer in any of the rooms can be able to connect to the Internet wirelessly by sharing the main connection. Typically, neighbors could also share your wireless connection, making it important to set password security for your wireless LANs. With passwords, users cannot get access to the Internet without supplying the proper password.
Although this kind of internet access is convenient at home, it is more effective in a workplace because it offers an inexpensive alternative to a wired network. In addition, setting up a wireless internet access by installing cables through ceilings, walls and floors throughout the building is not necessary. Wireless LANs can be installed in minutes without having to go through renovations. In addition, it provides faster data transfer speeds, which is vital to a computer-run business.
The most popular use of wireless internet access is seen in public hot spots like internet cafes and coffee shops, where anyone with a LAN-enabled laptop, PDAs and mobile phones could access the internet. Some establishments provide free wireless Internet access, while others charge a minimum fee. While some localities offer wireless internet access without charge, be aware that these radio waves can only reach a limited distance. Meaning, the further you are from the hub, the weaker the signal you may receive.
What is miniDV ?
One of the three common formats used in recording digital sound and picture is miniDV. MiniDV captures high quality audio and video in high-density cassette tapes. It is one of the most popular formats used for it delivers sharp and high quality video and sound.
MiniDV is one of the most commonly used formats in camcorders. Many manufacturers like Panasonic, Sony, JVC, canon and sharp offer MiniDV for it delivers clearer audio and video than analog camcorders. In addition, miniDV offers a more solid color reproduction. MiniDV also have other features like Night recording and MPEG and they are compact and lightweight.
Videos captured from a miniDV can easily be imported on to a PC, and once imported, editing, burning to a DVD or converting for internet use will be easy. With the use of an IEEE-1394 interface, transferring videos to a PC can be performed. This interface is standard to most of the newer computers and if your computer does not have the interface, you can just purchase one and install it in your PC.
Compared to other digital video cassettes, the ones used in miniDV are smaller. These are used commonly for semiprofessional-quality or personal video. Among digital cassette tapes, this are commonly use, these tapes provides easy playback on most type of DV-compatible device. Finally, even those without experience can easily use miniDV.
What is a VoIP phone ?
A voice over internet protocol is a kind of phone that uses digital technology in transmitting phone calls via internet unlike regular phones. This technology allows the user to bypass traditional phone companies, making all calls via internet. The service requires digital subscriber line like DSL internet service to work. Regardless of the technology used in making VoIP phone calls, talking on the phone and dialing is pretty much the same as in landline.
There is no specific phone requirement in using this service. Telephony adapters are usually supplied to consumers, adapter plugs into the modem or cable, translate data from the user’s phone into internet protocol packets, and transmitted over the Net.
VoIP is much cheaper than the regular landline service so most people chose this service. You can get domestic and local long-distance packages with VoIP service, including other features like voicemail and call waiting for less than half of the regular phone service cost.
Some individuals like to use phones made specially made for VoIP, these phone are created with all the necessary software and hardware for making VoIP calls. They look like regular phones but they have Ethernet connectors and made to be connected to a router however, a regular phone with adapters can still be used in making VoIP calls.
What is Spyware ?
Spyware can get into your computer without you even knowing it. Unlike a virus, which you will know is there as soon as it harms your computer, spyware stays undetected in the background and get information from your files, your internet sessions, and you anything else that is on or is done on your PC. Some people have even had their personal information stolen using these programs. As a matter of fact, the man who coined the term “spyware” found out about these programs after having his own information stolen off of this computer.
Luckily, you can get anti-spyware programs that will allow you to remove any spyware that is already on your hard drive and prevent any new spyware from being installed. As the occurrence of spyware has grown, so have the amount of anti-spyware available for purchase. They range in price from relatively cheap to relatively expensive, so that everyone can afford some sort of protection. They all have different features and settings. They more options you get, the more the anti-spyware program is likely to cost.
Every person should invest in some sort of anti-spyware program for every computer they own, even if you have to buy the cheapest one. If your computer is able to connect to the internet, then it is at risk of becoming a victim of spyware.
What is a WiFi phone ?
A WiFi phone is designed to be used in a designated area, public places or cafes have hotspots where WiFi phone works. The performance of a WiFi phone depends on the number of people who uses the hotspot. WiFi phones range from 300 feet or approximately 90 meters from the hotspot. Whenever you are within the range, you will have connection.
WiFi phone normally has all the features a normal cellular phone has. You can make calls, receive voicemails, text message and with limitations, access the web. Wifi Phones can retrieve greater data and has wide internet access. This technology is also available in laptops and needs no cable or telephone lines to access the internet.
This technology is still new and may take time to become widely used. WiFi have been available in offices and hospitals for years, however, consumer options are limited. It is expected that hotspots will increase in the following years, as the use of Wifi phones become obvious, many people are planning to switch to WiFi phones.
There are still several disadvantages found in using WiFi phone. You are unable to roam between hotspots and receive WiFi phone calls at the same time. You can still make and receive regular phone calls however, many phones shut off WiFi connection when not in use as power-saving mode therefore, incoming calls are missed.
What is a podcasting aggregator ?
Podcasting aggregator is a web application or client software, which “aggregates” syndicated podcasts (online audio, which comes from the word “ipod” and “broadcast” since podcasts were originally made to be transferred to an iPod as MP3 records.
A podcast aggregator reduces the time a user needs to check websites for updated podcasts. With a podcasting aggregator, the user only has to subscribe to any website with podcasts once, and the aggregator checks for new podcasts at user-determined intervals and retrieve the update via e-mail or instant messenger. Such aggregators are usually built into portal sites like Google and Yahoo, e-mail programs and web browsers. These programs stream audio signals specified to a user’s home stereo, desktop computer and MP3 player, such as an iPod,
iPodder, the first-ever podcasting aggregator, was developed by an ex-MTV VJ named Adam Curry. Since then, other developers followed and created their own podcasting aggregators based on Curry’s design. The most successful of these aggregators is the iTunes from Apple. The iTunes is tied to the company’s online music store, but anyone can download podcasts without charge. Other podcasting aggregators include Podcast.net and Podcast Alley.
Podcasting aggregators are built to prove that downloads shouldn’t have to be live in order to be accessed. As such, anyone can download podcast episodes whenever new updates are available and users can be updated through their respective e-mails. Unlike radio broadcasts, podcasts can be listened to whenever desired, thanks to podcasting aggregators.
How can I make a stunt dummy ?
The first step is to buy an old manikin in a clothing store; some of them actually just give them away. You need just the manikin’s torso in making your own stunt dummy. If they gave out the entire manikin, a little amputation would not be much trouble. Next, visit a costume shop for wigs and Styrofoam head. Clerks may find it strange due to the rare request if you ask them to buy one of the heads. Again, some of them gave this item free.
Next, you have to stuff the limbs; remember not to make the arms and legs over stuffed that they cannot move. You can ask some upholstery shops for they scrap foam they are about to throw away. Do not hesitate to ask them for it; because it is you who is giving the favor.
Tape the head securely on the neck, if you need you stunt dummy to look more realistic, you can put mask on the face but normally a regular hat can do the job. Apply tape to connect the legs and the shoes and fill latex gloves with air and tape it to the sleeves, you can add cloth gloves if you want a different color for the hands. Now, stuff the pant legs and sleeves with the foam you gathered.
Finally, give your dummy the wardrobe of your choice, securely tape it to the torso, and keep them in place. Now you have a life-like dummy strong enough to be thrown from high windows. Remember to bring a tape to reattach shoes and heads. They are more like to fall off from several stunts.
What is a multifunction peripheral ?
A multifunction peripheral (MFP) is a kind of device designed to perform two tasks, which required two different machines in the past. Multifunction peripherals provide functions of two or more stand-alone equipments, such as a copier machine, printer, scanner or fax machine, which could work even without network connectivity. However, some units are designed for network connectivity, providing users an easier way to print and copy materials sent electronically. With such models, users will no longer have to get a hard copy to be printed out and copied into a copier machine. Due to its effectiveness, multifunction peripherals are used in most offices and homes today to accomplish tasks easier.
Most multifunction peripherals available today have more than two functions. One of the most common MFPs work with a copier, printer, scanner and digital copy machine, usually being sold as a ‘4-in-1 multipurpose printer’. These kinds of devices use the appropriate software and network connection to scan documents, store it in a computer, pull it up into the system and print two or more copies. If the unit includes a fax machine, the user can easily send the digitally-copied document to anyone who has a fax machine.
The major advantage of using multifunction peripherals instead of stand-alone devices is cost effectiveness. Since investing on different equipments would cost more money, it is best to buy MFPs to keep tasks simpler while saving money. In addition, multifunction peripherals are best for offices with limited space. Since everything you need is included in the MFP device, the device would take much less space. Whether setting up an office at home or for a new business, the savings in space, time and money a multifunction peripheral provides is definitely worth considering.
What is a large format scanner ?
Also known as wide format scanner, a large format scanner is a roll-fed or sheet-fed scanner larger than A3. Most forms of large format scanners are light-based, but other units are designed with cooler formats. Generally, large format scanner can cover 34×36 inches. These types of scanners usually have wheels and could stand on their own, making them easily movable. Because of its size and design, a large format scanner is usually expensive; but has become more affordable due to the availability of easier printing formats.
The use of a large format scanner is important in nations that are preserving historical documents and relics by scanning them and converting them to digital copies. Similarly, this device is used by companies in preserving large documents, which cannot be copied by a normal-sized scanner. Individuals and organizations use a large format scanner in preserving photographic images, parchments, old newspapers and other materials, which are prone to damage by fire, earthquakes, insects and other natural or unnatural dangers.
Other specially-designed large format scanners can copy documents of up to 40 inches wide and half an inch thick. As such, these types of scanners can copy even posters. However, since a large format scanner can copy materials at a greater width compared to the average scanner, it usually requires more power. But since it is the most effective device in archiving important historical artifacts and documents, it serves a very useful purpose for any user.
How can I make a scripture scrapbook ?
The first step in making a scripture scrapbook is planning the album. A seven by seven album is highly recommended for you can attach four by six photos in it along with your verses. Then, you should consider how your album to go like an ABC verse or a picture with a verse. The album’s style is up to you.
After you figure out the kind of album you want, you can start choosing the pictures for your scripture scrapbook. It is best to have the picture first before the verses so you can easily match it. This method is also time-consuming for you are able to put the correct verses on the right picture. After you get all the pictures, you need to mark them with numbers on the back.
You can now start matching your pictures with verses you like to use. Then, get your lined paper and write the number of your pictures along with the verse you attach on it. Just write the book for now and not the whole verse. This may take some time to complete for there are many verses in the bible to choose from.
After organizing the pictures along with verses that goes with them, you can put the album together. Like in a regular scrapbook, scrap your album’s pages, set it up with your desired background, photo and the verse. Now, write the verses word for word. You can have your verses handwritten, printed from a computer or write it just somewhere in your album page.
If you are finished with your project and want to switch or change pictures, make a plan first and you will find it easy. Scrapbook is how you want your page to look like and scripture scrapbooking is just the same. Once you placed all your pictures and verses, you can enjoy your scrapbook from with scripture.
What are computer benchmarks ?
Although most computers are used simply for work, internet surfing or chat, others are used in testing or developing hardware and software. To gauge the performance of software and hardware, special tests known as computer benchmarks are used. Computer benchmarks involve a set of test in measuring the level or speed of performance. Some systems are not able to perform in certain levels, so benchmarks are important to determine if a hardware or software is stable, before using.
Developers who create their own games and performance systems use a series of benchmarks in comparing scores to rank whose systems are better. Benchmarks usually include sound tests, graphic tests and plenty of other options in diagnosing problems.
Other multi-tasking benchmarks are available to determine how well a computer can perform in stressful situations, such as running several programs at a time. Every time a user opens a program, his or her computer slows down. By using benchmarks, a user can determine which programs use up your system the most, helping you decide which programs should be turned off, while using demanding applications. Some benchmarks test the entire system, while others are specially designed in testing a certain part of the system, such as the hard drive, video cards, memory, CPU, sound card or network connection.
Regardless of which type of benchmarks used, these tests help users determine system problems and where these problems are located. As a result, it keeps expenses down in updating or repairing a computer since certain areas would only be replaced or repaired.
How can I make a memorabilia clock ?
To make your own memorabilia clock, you will need a plain clock, pen, card stock, papers with pattern, memorabilia, photos, adhesives, decoration of your choice and scissors. You can use and old clock that still works or you can buy one that you can pull out together to get in its face.
First, remove the clock part. Make sure to remember how to put it back together, or you can take notes of it. You can purchase clocks that you can easily alter in scrapbooking stores or crafts shops. Use the clock’s glass cover as your outline’s size. Make a cut out from a card stock with the same size as the clock’s cover. Stick memorabilia, layers of papers with the desired patterns and photos as you create scrapbooks but with a round shape. You can just use photos that you want and anything that can remind you of something fun. Make sure that you attach all your stuff in the clock evenly to avoid hindrance on the hands of the clock.
You will definitely have fun doing this project. Play with photos to make it more fun and meaningful. You can position pictures on the clock’s numbers, make photo collage with picture layers or just a single enlarged picture to cover the whole face. Place some decorations on the outer side of the clock as well.
Once you are satisfied and finished with your clock’s face, punch a hole in the middle of your layout for the clock part. Lay your work on the clock’ face and put it back together, make sure that everything is working properly before you close the clock back.
How can I knit without pain ?
1) Use circular needles for large projects – If you’re working on an adult-sized sweater or any project that needs over 150 stitches using size 8 needles, it is recommended that you use circular needles to reduce the tension on your shoulders and back, allowing distribution of weight evenly.
2) Do your stretching – It may be funny to think that you have to do stretching, even if knitting should be a relaxing task. However, stretching your fingers before you start knitting can really help relieve pain. Stretch them as wide as possible and grip your hand into a fist. Repeat twice or if necessary. Depending on the project at hand, do this every half an hour or as much as possible. If you’re working on a large project, you can stretch your fingers after every row.
3) Watch your posture – Many people slouch down while knitting assuming they are relaxed in such a position. However, slouching could add tension to your shoulders and back, particularly if you don’t maintain good posture for a long period.
4) Take breaks – After an hour or two of working, get up and walk around. Perform simple stretching exercises for your back. This would keep your back from straining back when you’ve finished a day of knitting. If you’re watching TV while knitting, you can use commercial breaks as your own break time.
5) Mind your nails – Short and filed nails keep them from cutting into your palm when knitting. Some people even bruise their hands if they keep nails too long. If you prefer to keep your nails long, you can just adjust how you hold the needles.
These tips can prevent body aches and pains after several hours of knitting. As long as you keep these in mind while working on a project, you’ll never have to suffer from knitting the hours away.
How can I remember passwords ?
Any person, whether actively using a computer or not, has to deal with passwords for their day-to-day lives. From ATM machines to point-of-sale cards, from e-mails to accessing your mobile phones, passwords are used in providing additional security to your personal information, money, documents or any other important materials you have. The problem with keeping passwords is that with all the devices you assign passwords to, remembering which belongs to what device can be an overwhelming task. However, there are ways to remember passwords; the two most common methods being mnemonic devices and personal significance.
1) Mnemonic device – For passwords that are given to you, which is usually composed of random letters and numbers, you need to make up an easily remembered phrase to associate it with the password. So if you are given a password “MDN43B”, you could think “My Dog Needs 43 Bones” or anything you deem memorable.
2) Personal references – Another popular method people use in remembering passwords by using personal references. Unlike mnemonic devices where you have no option of choosing passwords, you can use personalized passwords to ensure you would not forget them. For instance, your childhood pet who died, favorite book, childhood nickname combined with your birthday, phone number, stress address, baby’s geographical location, and other letters or numbers with personal significance makes it easier to remember several passwords.
However, some experts argue that using personal reference as passwords can be dangerous because of identity theft. Since hackers or other fraudulent persons typically research their victim’s lives before committing a crime, it may not be a good idea to use the name of your immediate family members like your mom, spouse, baby, etc. as passwords.
How can I fix leather cracks ?
Start by brushing off unwanted particles and dirt on the leather with a shoe brush. Wash it with glycerin saddle soap with a shoe dauber on your hands. You can find a glycerin saddle soap in a tack shop. You do not have to soak it through, but if you are working on old shoes or belt, you have to work on the saddle soap to make the leather flexible. You can stuff newspaper inside if you are fixing a leather shoe to make the job easier.
After the saddle soap, let the leather thoroughly dry naturally. You will find it dry but creamy and the flexibility of it will remain. Daub the cracked part of the leather with mink oil paste and you will see that the cracks lessen its depth. Lay the leather on a flat surface if you are working on a belt makes sure that the stuffed newspaper is tight for shoes.
Treat the leather with desired conditioner once you are finished with the cracks. If you are working on upholstery, use a conditioner that contains moisturizers. Do not treat leather with shoe polish, use shoe cream to make the cracks blend on the entire item and no longer be visible.
If you are working with a thoroughly cracked item, dryer sheet or silk cut it an inch larger than the crack on all sides and apply leather glue on the item. Ease the cut out onto the item with a spatula while the glue is still wet. Push the crack until both end meets and let it dry before you apply mink oil.
How can I make a birdfeeder ?
You can start by washing the milk jug thoroughly and let it completely dry. Cut holes on both side of the jug, you can use the jug’s texture as a guide to cut your holes. Now, make a smaller hole under the first hole that you just cut. The small holes are for the wooden dowel where the birds can seat while eating at the feeder. Insert your wooden dowel on the small holes all the way to the other side of the jug.
Decorate the jug with materials available, you can ask for some help from your kids in decorating the feeder. If you used glue, let it dry first, start pouring the bird food inside the jug with a funnel, and seal it if you are done. Remember to supervise you kid while they decorate the bird feeder, especially when they handle scissors and other tools and materials that can harm them.
Finally, choose the best location for your bird feeder. Make sure it is not too low for birds might get scared with others at their level. Place it high enough for you to reach if ever a refill is needed. You can place it in your back porch so you can watch the birds visiting your feeder.
What is handwriting recognition ?
Hand recognition is the ability of a computer to receive and translate human writing into text by writing directly into a device, or scanning written text.
The first hand recognition technique ever used is called “optical character recognition” or simply OCR. It allows users to scan in handwritten texts into basic, easily accessible and searchable digital forms. Most scanning suites include some type of OCR.
OCR was followed by the on-line recognition technique in the 1990s. When Apple Computers developed a handheld device known as the Newton, the handwriting recognition interface has become widely available for every Newton user. The device included a small stylus, which people use to write directly into the screen and have the characters recognized and converted into digital text.
Since Apple’s Newton did not recognize handwriting patterns efficiently, Palm developed their own handwriting recognition device known as the Graffiti. With Palm’s device that relied on line-strokes to define stand-ins of letters written, it provided a more effective system in distinguishing letters and identified user’s variations. Hand recognition was also used in Microsoft’s Tablet PCs, which involved a more extensive database of character variations. However, mainstream consumers did not appreciate hand recognition techniques…yet.
Today, with cellular phones and PDAs with stylus inputs becoming mainstream, hand recognition software is becoming popular again and many companies are working on perfecting hand recognition.
How can I choose a needlepoint project ?
If you have no experience regarding needlepoint, it will be useful to search for some information of needlepoint projects and ideas in a bookstore, internet, libraries or craft stores. Then, choose a project that you desire, like wall hanging, pillows or eyeglass casing.
You should get the project that goes with complete instructions and list of materials needed or you can even get a kit complete with manual and needed materials to complete a certain project. You should also consider your skills in the project that you pick. If it is your first time, you can select a project that requires one basic stitch and you can get a more challenging project as you gain experience.
Considering the time to complete a certain project is also vital. There are projects that take months to finish like rugs and wall hangings. Ask yourself first if you are likely to be frustrated with a task that needs patience. Start by picking a project for beginners and make a decision if the craft that you want to excel on is needlecraft.
Choosing a needlepoint project will be easy. You can get patterns with the suggested skill level. You can create your own needlepoint design as soon as you grow more experience with needlepoint patterns and kits.
How can I become a millionaire ?
Many people feel that becoming a millionaire is next to impossible. However, if you’re planning to spend your retirement without financial burden, you can start becoming a millionaire today. Although becoming a millionaire does not happen overnight, it is a possibility as long you make tiny steps to reach a huge goal.
An important step to become a millionaire is to find ways to save money. People who plan ahead usually achieve their financial goals because they practice wise spending. Analyze your daily spending habits and determine which small expenses you can do without. For instance, do you spend a 5-dollar coffee at Starbucks when you can make your own coffee at home? Do you eat in fine dining restaurants when you could create that same meal in the comfort of your home? If you actually spend time thinking of these little expenses and avoid them as much as possible, you’ll see an extra $10 to $75 per day.
Once you have some extra cash monthly, you should start investing to make your one-million goal possible. Whether you choose to invest the money in mutual funds, stocks or other investment opportunities, make sure you are knowledgeable enough not to lose your savings.
The problem with saving money is people don’t make it a habit. If you usually forget making a 5-dollar daily, you can have your bank do this for you. Most banks allow you to apply for several accounts, assign one that you won’t use. You can also link an IRA to your bank account so the bank could make the transfers automatic each month, so you’ll be sure not to miss your 30-day savings.
While $5 a day may seem little today, be aware that after 40 years of $150 monthly deposits with 10% interest, it could pile up to $1,000,000 and you can easily retire. Remember that the more you can put into your savings and investments, the earlier you can retire as a millionaire.
How can I carve a marionette ?
You can start by choosing the right kind of wood for the project. Soft white pine wood is normally use because it holds the cut and can be shaped easily. For the head of the marionette, you can use paper Mache, you will find it hard to carve head from wood so you can just mold it out. Then, shape the hip pieces and shoulders, hips can be at any depth and width but the shoulders should be extended just under the armpits. Remember to make a slope on the shoulder with a hallow section to fit the head.
Take measurements for the legs and cut the dowel, narrow them at the bottom where you will position the feet. Use hinges for the knees and thighs after you cut the dowels in length. Again, mold some paper Mache for feet and add some wooden heels on the bottom. Cut some more dowels for the lower arms and use stuffed muslin attached to both ends of the lower arms and the body. The hands will also be paper Mache mold.
Finally, string the marionettes by connecting a copper wire on the arms head and legs with screw eyes, and connect it on the back and shoulders to make it move. Do not worry about the head; it will be supported once the wires are attached.
How can I build a barbie house ?
Building a Barbie house is very easy with the right tools and materials. First, prepare cardboard, bookcases, brushes, paints, glues, saws or knife, carpets and wallpaper. Then, figure out how big you want your Barbie house to be and how many rooms and floors you need.
You can use plastic bookcase with the number of floors you desire, remove the shelf and place it beside your Barbie house to make an adjoining floor. Pull together the bookcase according to the direction. Install the carpet in the floor, cut the carpet to size and glue it. Next, make side and back walls from thin wood or cardboard. You can use the same materials to make interior walls.
Install wallpaper on all walls. You can use scrap wallpapers or you can use any colored paper of your desire. After you finish the wallpaper installation, you can start cutting holes for doors and windows. Install wall from cut cardboard to the bookcase with a glue and screw wood walls to the bookcase. Wedge in the wood or cardboard for the interior walls.
Remember to check the shelves of your bookcase’s height for the Barbie to stand up and you have enough room for the accessories. Also consider the size of the doors; it should be big enough, appropriate for your Barbie’s height.
What is a private annuity trust ?
A private annuity trust (PAT) is a type of capital gains deferral program that aims to help with depreciation recapture costs and high-capital gains. This plan usually benefits owners of residential or commercial real estate who require no immediate funds from property sales. Since highly-appreciated properties involved high taxes, a private annuity trust can help people save money.
When an owner has a private annuity trust, he or she sells the property to a trust, which involves transferring the ownership before the sale of property. In this case, the payment of trustees is in the form of a contract, which is set up for a predetermined number of payments for a pre-calculated amount that should be complete for the rest of the owner’s life.
All annuity payments are calculated using a formula with quantities based on the age of the owner, amount of the sale proceeds and the interest rate based, which the IRS sets. The proceeds from each property sale included in the contract are held in a private annuity trust, which can be invested by the trustees. All payments are made to the owner for the agreed amount.
Instead of being taxed on the lump sum of the sale, the owner is taxed only when annuity payments are received. People usually choose a private annuity trust to aid them for retirement because annuity payments don’t have to start immediately. In addition, owners can take advantage of tax benefits as long as the annuity payments start by age 70.
What are the techniques in polymer clay ?
To start with your polymer clay project, you need to prepare wax paper, rolling pin or any glass cylinder, glass metal or wood object, sharp knife or a toothpick for cutting the clay and of course, polymer clay in different colors. You can get polymer clay in any craft shop near your location. Polymer clay comes in a variety of brands; you can read the instructions if you are having a hard time what polymer clay to choose.
Have your working space ready, it should have a flat surface. Lay out a wax paper to make your workspace easy to clean, especially if your working space is on a table or a desk. Then, position your tools where you can easily grab them even without looking at it. There are tools specifically made to cut and roll polymer clays but you can definitely improvise. You can use a glass bottle with a flat texture to roll your clay and a sharp knife or a toothpick to cut.
You can mix polymer clay together if you want a different color for your design. Connect to polymer clays, cut both surface, and securely press it together. If they fall off while baking, you can use a glue to attach them together. If you are working on a large project, you can conserve clay by making an aluminum foil base to be covered by a thin layer of polymer clay instead of creating solid clay.
The baking normally takes about fifteen minutes under three hundred degrees depending on the thickness of your project. You can read the baking instructions that go with your polymer clay to be sure. Remember to allow the baked polymer clay to cool completely before handling.
How can I make my own 3d space picture ?
Lay the newspapers out onto your workspace to keep your floor protected. Place the heavy cardboard on the center of the newspapers. Attach crumpled newspapers, cardboard tubes and inflated paper sacks in your heavy cardboard using a tape or glue. Make sure to plan the positions of your materials before you permanently attach them to your heavy cardboard. Then use a small amount of tape to see how you want your shapes and objects appear on your background.
Allow the glue to dry before you continue to work on your project. Depending on the kind of glue you used, it may take a whole day for your model to dry completely. You can now paint your cardboard and make it come alive. Paint the heavy cardboard black or dark blue to shape up the planets you would attached to your background.
Paint your shapes attached on your background to make it more alive and visible. Remember to be on a well-ventilated area when you are painting, especially when using spray paints. After you let the paint dry, apply a coat of varnish or any fixative to protect your work. Remember to use craft glue to affix your space junk instead of super glue. If you want you 3D space model to function as a mobile, you can attach your planets through strings. Encourage your kids to give suggestions and inputs while making the project to make them feel involved.
What is a debt consolidation loan ?
Ah…the word Debt Consolidation Loans has struck much debate on whether it is such a great one solution wonder or just another loan facility which will create an escalating debt disaster. There are supporters of debt consolidation loans and there are the naysayers. Those who have benefited from debt consolidation loans have much good things to say about it relieving their financial burdens whilst those who went on a downward spiral swore against it.
Just exactly how good or bad a Debt Consolidation Loan is depends on how you use it. The most important factor in making or breaking such a loan is your financial discipline – knowing what you want out of it and sticking with your financial plan. To make the most out of a Debt Consolidation Loan and ensuring that it really helps to consolidate your loans and relieving you of your surmounting debts, there are really a few things you ought to know and apply.
1. Before taking up a Debt Consolidation Loan, consult a professional debt counsellor to assess your options. A certified financial planner may be able to assist you as well and may not be biased towards debt consolidation loans as compared to seeking out advice from the debt consolidation loan companies.
2. Calculate your current outstanding debts and the interests payable and estimate how long you will take to clear your outstanding debts if everything remains status quo. Then, calculate what options the Debt Consolidation Loans can offer you and whether you will be able to save more using the latter compared to staying status quo.
3. Have you considered a debt consolidation mortgage instead which is likely to give you a lower APR or Annual Percentage Rate? It may be a cheaper option compared to a debt consolidation loan.
4. How about debt settlement with your creditor where you offer them a lump sum in exchange for a discount on the total outstanding debt payable? It may be a faster and more worthwhile option to settle your debts immediately with a discount.
5. Don’t go into Debt Consolidation Loans without familiarising yourself with the fees, charges, interest rates and terms and conditions which come with it. You would not want to put yourself in a position which is worse that before. Your goal is to reduce your financial problems, not prolonging or making it worse. Just because it works for others does not mean that it will work for you as each individual’s financial circumstances vary.
6. Once you have successfully applied for a Debt Consolidation Loan, you should consider discontinuing the use of your credit cards, store cards or even overdraft facilities until you have fully repaid your Debt Consolidation Loan. Use cash instead for your purchases so that you will be able to monitor your day to day expenses whilst keeping tabs on your monthly instalments with the Debt Consolidation Loan.
7. Change your spending habit. Something must have gone wrong in the first place which resulted in you having accrued numerous outstanding debts which necessitate the restructuring of your outstanding debts with a Debt Consolidation Loan. Analyse your spending habit and identify which areas you may have overspent or spent without consciously knowing its impact on your financial line eg. smoking, gambling and drinking. The Debt Consolidation Loan is the start of a new life towards being debt free and you should remain disciplined to see through the full payment of your Debt Consolidation Loan. Changes to your lifestyle may be required and if it helps you to achieve financial freedom, it is definitely a worthwhile change to consider.
How can I get cash in an emergency ?
We all like to be prepared for any emergency but sometimes, things do not always turn out as they plan. When an urgent bill comes about – and usually the medical type of bill where admission into ward is required, you may suddenly be caught with a cash call. How should you be prepared for such emergencies?
The first avenue would be to apply for yourself a credit card solely for emergency purposes. Do not use this card but carry it with you so that in the event you need to place a substantial deposit or if cash advance is needed, your available credit limit will take care of this burden. If you start using this credit card for your usual expenses, you may find yourself low on credit and being unable to afford the emergency cash call and hence, it is recommended that you set aside one credit card just for emergency.
Where possible, make sure that this credit card grants you the highest credit limit amongst your other credit cards. Firstly, the highest credit limit helps with the emergency whilst the lower credit limits on the other credit cards you are holding theoretically helps you to manage your finances better so that you do not overspend.
With credit cards, you can utilise the cash advance facility by withdrawing cash from any automated teller machine which is linked to the credit card account – usually Visa, Cirrus or Maestro. The amount available to you would be your available credit limit and in a way, this works out as if your credit limit is your cash balance at bank which you are now withdrawing from.
The other avenue for quick cash in an emergency may not be deemed as immediate cash but is probably the fastest after credit cards. This is where personal cash loans come into place. If you are an employed person with a stable income, you might want to consider getting an urgent personal cash loan which is usually disbursed into your banking account within a day. The usual documentation required includes proof of employment, salary slips and personal identification. Guarantors and security are not usually required. For many banks, the maximum cash loan which will be granted to you would be about 3 times the amount of your monthly salary.
Payday loans are also another avenue for quick cash in an emergency and this is usually secured by a post-dated cheque which includes the amount borrowed and the interest charges applicable. Just like the personal cash loans, approval and disbursement of the loan amount is usually done within 24 hours. You can apply for a payday loan online and will require an active banking account for the monies to be remitted to you.
However, intended borrowers must be cautioned that all three quick cash avenues discussed above come with probably the highest interest rates around amongst other loan options and that is understandable. The above facilities are all unsecured credit and / or loans and the financial institutions granting the above facilities to you would need to factor in the risk of such lending by imposing a higher interest rate chargeable so that the amount earned through the interest rate would help it to cover the non-performing loans. Bearing in mind the high interest rates chargeable and at times, additional processing or administrative fees involved, it would be prudent to analyse whether you really need to utilise these facilities. If it is an emergency, you truly may have no choice but it is of comfort knowing that you can turn to such facilities for quick cash during such times.
What is Tie-Dye ?
It is very important to get natural fabric in making a tie-dye, for synthetic materials do not accept dye. Cotton is the best fabric in making a tie-dye. You can also do tie-dye in silk scarves, blouses, bed sheets, pants and skirts.
Most people use three colors in their tie-dye, but you can also use multiple colors to your heart’s desire. If you will be using several colors, make sure to pick colors that will complement with each other to make the color blending get interesting result. Vats should be prepared in plastic tubs or bucket ahead of time before doing the tie-dye and prepare a pot for heating your dye mixture.
The first step in doing tie-dye includes soaking the fabric in soda ash, make sure to wear protective glove throughout the tie-dye process. Use half cup of soda ash per gallon of water, soak the fabric in the solution for five to ten minutes, occasionally turning the fabric. Remove the excess water after you wrung out the fabric; make sure to keep the fabric wet. The techniques in folding the fabric determine the result pattern in tie-dye. There are books regarding the instruction for folding that beginners can use.
With the material tied, you can start soaking into hot vat with the lightest color first. Leave the fabric for ten minutes before thoroughly rinsing it with warm water after moving it to another vat with different color. Depending on the desired pattern and color result, the longer you soak the fabric the deeper the color. The temperature of the vat also affects in color absorption. You can also partially dip the fabric if desired.
After the tie-dye process, rinse the tied fabric with warm water until the water runs clear. Finally, untie the fabric and wash it with mild detergent and cold water. For regular care, wash separately with cold water.
What should I do if I cant afford the bills ?
Have you found yourself in a position when you lack the cash to pay your outstanding bills? Perhaps with rising fuel costs, inflation and with the sub-prime crises, you get a splitting headache wondering how you could settle the bills which are now lying on your table before you. You are not alone. And you are not necessarily a bad person if you are unable to pay your bills.
Do you ever talk about your financial predicament? Most people don’t and that is understandable. Where finance is concerned, it breaks into the ego of that person. Having financial problems including the inability to settle one’s outstanding bills is deemed as being a failure, not unlike a taboo as far as society is concerned. Nobody likes to talk about how much they are behind in their payments. People rather talk about their recent material acquisitions rather than their financial problems. But you must get out of this. If you are in serious financial problems, you must seek help just like how you will need to seek help if you are having serious emotional problems. What may start out as a small financial hiccup can balloon to something out of control if not tackled head on.
So, what then? Get help! Don’t just wallow in self-pity or take it out on the innocent as they definitely will not improve your financial situation. What you need is proactive action, not passive inaction. Worrying further about how the bills are going to pile up further in the coming months will not help either.
Seek the counsel of a consumer credit counsellor who may be able to give you professional advice on how you should restructure your financial problems and find effective and practical solutions to your financial problems. Muster the courage to contact your creditors and tell them about your financial hiccups and find out how they can accommodate you – eg. to restructure the length of payment, amount of payment or even to consider a lump sum payment ala debt settlement schemes.
Consider a strategy wherein you set aside at least 20% of your income toyou’re your creditors with priority to the creditor whom you are owing the most or your biggest credit card bill. Then, stash away 10% from your income into safe investment vehicles and use the remaining 70% of your income for your monthly cost of living. Get a second or part time job if that will help you to repay your bills faster. Even with the 70% of your income which you use for cost of living, if there be any surplus, use it to pay your debts. If you must, sacrifice on entertainment and luxuries. Wait till you can afford them once you are debt-free. Consider terminating your subscriptions to gymnasiums, yoga classes, magazines or even cable TV as you don’t need these extra bills to pay for. You can always take a jog around the park or read books and magazines in the local libraries. Sell off your club memberships or run a junkyard sale to raise some funds whilst helping yourself to do some housekeeping.
With the above strategy, negotiate this with your creditors so that they can understand your financial position better. Being upfront and honest with them pays. They might decline but they will have to consider the costs of filing a claim against you for non-payment. Your strategy above will also become useful to show the Court in the event you are dragged to Court for non-payment as it shows that you have done all you could to get yourself out of this financial rut.
What is knitting ?
Knitting is very convenient for it does not require extensive tools. Crochet is most probably the simpler textile art in which yarn are knotted with the use of crochet hook. Knitting is very easy to teach due to its simplicity and affordability. In knitting a basic garment, a pair of knitting needle and selection of yarn are the only things needed.
Knotting needles comes in different varieties, nowadays, common knitting needles are made of metals and woods but before, knitting needles are made of bones. Straight knitting needles have one flat end and one pointed end and has an ornamental device or a bulb to keep it from sliding as the knitting process goes. Another type of needle used to make hats or turning the sock heels is the double-ended needle, which has two sharp ends that allows the knitting on both sides. The last type of needle for knitting is the circular knitting needle, which is attached to each other; most find it to be the most convenient needle to use.
Yarns also goes in wide variety, from novelty yarns to plain weight wool. Yarn can come from wide range of animals and plants fibers like wool, cotton, silk and bamboo. Yarn can be smooth, dyed, fuzzy or plain. You can use very fine yarns in knitting delicate shawls and socks while chunky, thick yarns can be used for gloves, creative hats and scarves.
Knitting is done by looping the yarn in a series of stitches. Knit and purl are the two basic stitches that can be manipulated to create cabling, rippling, open lace and other varieties of looks. Most people find knitting very enjoyable and relaxing. If you want to learn how to knit, you can find friendly knitters circle who can teach you the basics and guide you as you work on your project.
How can I work out of debt ?
If you are struggling with outstanding debts and are looking for solutions to them, there are many ways to help you get out of them. The earlier you deal with your debts, the better it is for you as the longer debts are stretched, the more you will have to pay in terms of interests and costs.
One of the ways to work out of debt is what is known as Debt Settlement or Debt Negotiation. This method is fast becoming a favoured choice amongst Americans due to its interesting strategy which are focussed on those who are finding it hard to keep up with their debt repayments.
People always try to avoid bankruptcy as this is deemed as the lowest point one can get financially. The trauma and shame associated with bankruptcy can remain a stigma for the bankrupt for many years to come and therefore, it should be avoided at all costs. This is where Debt Settlement Companies may be valuable in rendering the assistance required to help solve the mounting outstanding debts.
With the Debt Settlement procedure, the Debt Settlement company, if you choose to retain them, or you as the debtor, would make an offer to the creditor to settle the debts in one lump sum or within a short instalment period with the hope of slashing down the total sum payable. If you are lucky, you may be able to get up to 50% discount on your outstanding debt.
Why would the creditor take such a hefty cut in their expected income (your debt)? Well, the creditor may find that it is more worthwhile getting an instant lump sum payment albeit with a discount rather than risk getting nothing or pittance should your financial situation deteriorate out of control. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush and being paid earlier would enable them to use the money for further investments.
It would therefore require a certain amount of negotiation skills to be able to put up a convincing argument to the creditor why they should grant you a hefty discount on your outstanding debts. Perhaps it would be worth telling them that in the even you fall into bankruptcy, they will be in a worse off position. Attempting debt settlement is also a good strategy to employ should bankruptcy still ultimately results at the end of the day. This is because debt settlement will be reflected in your credit report and shows that you did try to do something worthwhile with your outstanding debts.
Though debt settlement looks like a good strategy to employ, it should only be used in the last resort rather than being a habit. Being continuously late on payment gives a bad credit score standing and risks your outstanding debts spiralling out of control. Use it only when you have a lump sum available to make an attractive offer to your creditors to settle a larger amount. Your aim is to wipe out that big chunk of outstanding debts so that it does not continue to haunt and stress you day in day out.
If you find that you are not made out to be a negotiator or if you lack confidence in that department, then set out to survey the debt settlement companies available in the market. Inquire about their experience and the fees involved in helping you to negotiate and settle your debts. If the fees are going to eat up a huge amount from what you have to pay as a lump sum to your creditors, then you might not have much to bargain with at the end of the day. Find out about their company and ask for referrals to get some feedback on their experience dealing with the former.
What is die cutting ?
Die cutting uses a sharp and uniquely shaped blade, which is bent into a shape desired by the manufacturer and mounted on a stable backing, resulting in a device known as a “die”. To use it, the materials are placed on a flat surface and the die is pressed onto it for cutting. Some die could cut into a single piece of material, while others are designed to slice up multiple layers to create several blanks.
The die itself is created meticulously because it should cut a desired material efficiently with little or no waste. While most factories that use die cutting in manufacturing items try to avoid excess materials as possible, this cannot be prevented completely; therefore, they recycle the leftovers created from die cutting. These leftovers are usually reused, melted down or reworked into various components.
The greatest example of a die is a cookie cutter, which is designed to cut out infinite numbers of blanks (or in this case, cookies). Each cookie or blank would have the same size and shape, so these cutters are best for those planning to sell their cookies since they can produce uniform cookies without having to manually cut each cookie by hand. Other examples of die cut items include plastics, keys and certain paper products, which can be snapped together.
Die cutting can only produce flat objects, so other dimensional items require different processing techniques. However, dies could be as small as a cookie cutter or as large as machines used in cutting airplane parts.
What is decoupage ?
It is very simple to decoupage an object and creates a very stylish result. Decoupage is a craze among the gentility in its early years; young women were required to create watercolor paintings so they are encouraged to make cutouts on to household good.
Suppliers of craft materials painted art on paper specially designed for decoupage or you can get interesting art in old gift-wraps, storybooks or greeting cards. One potential source of art is the magazine, but if the paper used is thin, there is a possibility that the print on the other side will be visible if damped in glue or varnish.
If you want your finished product painted or finish with varnish, make sure to clean and dry it first before applying the varnish or paint. Most often, the goal in decoupage is to present the effect of unique hand-painted art, so the images that you will be using must be precisely cut on its background. You can use very sharp and very short knife in cutting pictures, make sure to turn the paper you are cutting instead of your hands for better cutting control.
After finishing the art cut, place the material on the object to be ornamented to get the best position. If the desired position is achieved, apply a thin layer of special-purpose decoupage varnish or craft glue on the back on the art and smooth it down onto the surface. After the layer is dry, you can apply layers of varnish repeatedly. You can use decoupage varnish or a regular wood varnish.
What is basketry ?
No one is actually sure how long basketry have been practiced due to the materials used were subject to rot. Archeologists believe that basketry is at least 10,000 years old or longer. A regular basket is very easy to make and can be used to store wide varieties of things, like grains, caught fish, personal belongings, and can do different tasks depending on the design.
You can use spokes and stakes in making the basket’s framework, depending on the desired design and style. The frame’s element are connected firmly before making the basket, this gives the shape and the basic outline and for the finished product’s support. Most of the time, the framework are made of much larger and stronger material than the materials used for weaving to make the basket capable of bearing load.
After finishing the framework, the craftsperson can start twining or weaving materials around it. Simple weaving is commonly use in making a basic basket, but there are different type of style in designing a basket that can create unique woven patterns as well as using materials with different texture or color. The finished product can be a functional household good or a work of art.
What is a thimble ?
Thimbles have been around for many years; historians have traced these devices back to 2000 years and some in Rome during the 1st century. Ancient thimbles are made of bronze without the dents seen today. Since then, the designs of thimbles have varied with materials ranging from wood, leather, metals, porcelain, gem stones, animal bones and many more, but stick to its main goal – to protect the hands from unwanted bruises caused by needles while sewing.
Although thimbles are extremely useful in sewing, the use of thimbles have become ornamentals in the 19th century, wherein people collected thimbles and various designers were inspired to create one-of-a-kind pieces for pure decoration purposes. Many historians believed that this fad of collecting thimbles came about after an 1851 exhibition in London, which featured the first thimble collection ever made.
In the 19th century, the thimbles used for sewing caused a variety of problems. Since most thimbles before were made of silver and needles come in steel, so the needle usually pierced, dented or broke the thimble because it was stronger than silver. As such, designers created thimbles made up of iron with a silver coating. Since them, thimble manufacturers used automatic machines to produce hundreds of thimbles daily.