If you are struggling with outstanding debts and are looking for solutions to them, there are many ways to help you get out of them. The earlier you deal with your debts, the better it is for you as the longer debts are stretched, the more you will have to pay in terms of interests and costs.
One of the ways to work out of debt is what is known as Debt Settlement or Debt Negotiation. This method is fast becoming a favoured choice amongst Americans due to its interesting strategy which are focussed on those who are finding it hard to keep up with their debt repayments.
People always try to avoid bankruptcy as this is deemed as the lowest point one can get financially. The trauma and shame associated with bankruptcy can remain a stigma for the bankrupt for many years to come and therefore, it should be avoided at all costs. This is where Debt Settlement Companies may be valuable in rendering the assistance required to help solve the mounting outstanding debts.
With the Debt Settlement procedure, the Debt Settlement company, if you choose to retain them, or you as the debtor, would make an offer to the creditor to settle the debts in one lump sum or within a short instalment period with the hope of slashing down the total sum payable. If you are lucky, you may be able to get up to 50% discount on your outstanding debt.
Why would the creditor take such a hefty cut in their expected income (your debt)? Well, the creditor may find that it is more worthwhile getting an instant lump sum payment albeit with a discount rather than risk getting nothing or pittance should your financial situation deteriorate out of control. A bird in hand is better than two in the bush and being paid earlier would enable them to use the money for further investments.
It would therefore require a certain amount of negotiation skills to be able to put up a convincing argument to the creditor why they should grant you a hefty discount on your outstanding debts. Perhaps it would be worth telling them that in the even you fall into bankruptcy, they will be in a worse off position. Attempting debt settlement is also a good strategy to employ should bankruptcy still ultimately results at the end of the day. This is because debt settlement will be reflected in your credit report and shows that you did try to do something worthwhile with your outstanding debts.
Though debt settlement looks like a good strategy to employ, it should only be used in the last resort rather than being a habit. Being continuously late on payment gives a bad credit score standing and risks your outstanding debts spiralling out of control. Use it only when you have a lump sum available to make an attractive offer to your creditors to settle a larger amount. Your aim is to wipe out that big chunk of outstanding debts so that it does not continue to haunt and stress you day in day out.
If you find that you are not made out to be a negotiator or if you lack confidence in that department, then set out to survey the debt settlement companies available in the market. Inquire about their experience and the fees involved in helping you to negotiate and settle your debts. If the fees are going to eat up a huge amount from what you have to pay as a lump sum to your creditors, then you might not have much to bargain with at the end of the day. Find out about their company and ask for referrals to get some feedback on their experience dealing with the former.
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